Creative Networking Workshop, Jeff Projects, Istanbul, May 27th, 2013
Burak Arikan, CTM Visiting Fellow in Technology and Arts, will conduct a full day Creative Networking Workshop on November 19th 2013.
Arikan is an Istanbul and New York based artist working with complex networks. He takes the obvious social, economical, and political issues as input and runs through an abstract machinery, which generates network maps and algorithmic interfaces, results in performances, and creates predictions to render inherent power relationships visible and discussable.
The Creative Networking workshop “…[focuses] on the design and understanding of complex networks through mapping and visual analysis in order to expand the individual’s thinking about the network as a creative medium. Starting from hand drawn simple graph diagrams, participants gradually build complex network models. Emphasis on network mapping, modeling, relational thinking, protocol authoring, centrality analysis, clustering analysis, and information design. Participants learn the most through observing and extracting networks from their area of interests, collaborative mapping, sketching, and discussing diagrams. Graph Commons is used at the
workshops for visualization, group collaboration, and further sharing, so bring your laptops!”
This event will be open to Parsons and New School students and faculty. As space is limited Eventbrite registration is required: https://www.eventbrite.com/event/9046487287
For more on previous workshops Arikan has run at international events since 2007, please visit
the workshop archive:: http://teaching.burak-arikan.com/creative-networking/
For more on Graph Commons : http://graphcommons.com/