Tag Archives: off world



Full conference brief:
Speakers included Rory
Rowan,  Stephanie Wakefield, Tamara Álvarez, Kathryn Yusoff, Nigel Clark, & Ed Keller.  This  symposium  was held as  a free ranging  survey and meditation  on the cosmopolitical implications  of existing planetary material relations, as  reframed in the context of emerging energetic  and computational systems [‘the stack’].

By  contrasting  [post] planetary  material systems with  the emerging technoscape  we hoped to expose feedback  loops and communicative systems  which modulate agency and awareness. Such  feedback mechanisms – ecologies of feeling-  may offer a belated hope for a coordination of  life and mind across multiple timescales, resulting  in a possible post/trans/inhuman ethics.
-Ed Keller.

Ed Keller moderated/introduced  event. CTM hosted.

Convened to  follow-up the 2014 Post Planetary Capital symposium.